Improving attendance
As you are probably aware, the Government would like improving school attendance to be a focus of development for all schools. This is because good school attendance leads to better outcomes for children.
Currently, our attendance is just below the national expectations for primary schools.
We know enjoying school improves attendance. Staff are always thinking of ways to make learning very enjoyable for all children. We would now like to offer a further incentive to encourage all children to come to school every day; apart from when they are too unwell.
We will be giving the class, from years one and two, with the best attendance for that week, an extra 10 minutes of play time on a Friday. Their class will also have a certificate displayed in the hall and one for their classroom.
We will also be giving out most improved attendance certificates to the class whose attendance has improved the most from the previous month.
We are very keen to involve children in improving their attendance and hope that the above incentives will help children to begin to understand the importance of coming to school every day.
I am confident that all children will have extra play regularly, as a result of this initiative. We will begin allocating extra playtime next week!!