Week beginning June 8th
During this period of partial closure Field Place Infant and Nursery School continues to be open for provision for vulnerable pupils and children of key workers. Irrespective of any partial closure or collaboration with another school, the safeguarding of all our children remains our top priority. At this time, our school will continue as normal in supporting our vulnerable children and if anyone has any questions regarding this, they are asked to make contact with Theresa Alford, Headteacher 01903 700234. Please contact the school if you have any queries (office@fieldplace.org.uk)
Dear Parents
We look forward to welcoming some year 1 children back to school tomorrow. Procedures in school have been going very well and the children have really enjoyed being back. Below are a few reminders to ensure procedures continue to go well next week.
- Parents should arrive during their 5-minute slot. If you are early, you will be asked to wait and if there are too many people outside the school, you will be asked to come back later.
- If you are unsure when your allotted drop off and collection time is, please call the school between 8 and 8:30 tomorrow morning rather than just turning up. This information will have been previously emailed to you.
- Only one adult should take a child to the gate unless your child has a specific need which requires more than one adult.
- Children have been saying goodbye to parents at the gate fantastically. If your child struggles to leave you, you can stand to the right of the gate while you support your child to come into school. This will reduce the pressure on both you and your child. Your child’s teacher will be on the playground to encourage your child to leave you. If a child is completely unwilling to leave their parent, school is unable to offer physical support at this time and you may need to take your child back home.
- Any bikes or scooters brought to school in the morning have to be taken home by parents and cannot be stored on the school grounds. You may wish to let your child know this today to avoid upset in the morning.
- The children should not bring a book bag or PE kit to school. We have planned daily outside sessions for the children, but these can be done in their school uniform. We are happy for children to wear trainers to school or have a pair of plimsoles or trainers that can remain in school for the week.
- Some parents last week very kindly brought in gifts for the children, such as sweets and cakes. Currently, we are not able to give out any items from home to other children. This is to reduce the risk of infection and why we are not allowing book bags in school.
- The children need to bring the following to school – a water bottle, packed lunch (if not hot dinners) and the right attire for the weather i.e. coat if wet, sun hat is hot. No other items should be brought into school. We will not be sending home any drawings/work done by the children at this time (bumped head letters will be sent home to you). If your child produces something very special, we will keep it and ensure it comes home at the end of the term. Your child should not bring any completed home learning or projects to school at this time.
- This week, some parents were stopping outside the main doors when leaving school to chat; please ensure you leave the school quickly through the playground and avoid contact with others.
- If there are any issues during the day that need discussing, the teacher will call you after school. Teachers are not able to discuss the day or chat with parents when they are dropping off or collecting their children. A member of the senior leadership team will be on the gate every morning if there is anything important you need to let us know. The email secretary@fieldplace.org.uk remains open if you have any safeguarding concerns about a child.
- Currently the school crossing patrol is not in place. West Sussex are carrying out their own risk assessment around this for their staff. Last week, due to the staggered entry, traffic on Nelson Road was refreshingly light. With more children returning, this may change. Please make sure you cross the road with care and do not let your children run ahead of you when arriving or leaving the site.
Next return to school survey
Tomorrow, we will be sending out the next return to school survey for nursery and reception children. This will be for parents who have not yet sent their child back to school, but who wish to from the 15th June. This survey will close at 12pm on Wednesday 10th. This gives us time to organise children into bubbles and if you do not reply by the deadline, you will not be able to return on the 15th.
The survey for year ones who wish to return on the 22nd, will be going out next Monday 15th June. This will need to be completed by 12pm June 17th.
Home Learning
Please find attached the home learning grids for this week. Many teachers will be back in school teaching full time from this week. This means that I have to be mindful of teacher workload. It may be that a different teacher will liaise with you about your child's home learning and we will let you know if this is the case later this week. If teachers are in school teaching, they will be given time on Wednesdays to respond to parent emails.
Year 2 White Rose Videos:
This week we using alternative videos for White Rose. We have attached the document with the links on, to this Parent Mail, and have also uploaded it to the school website in Year 2- Weekly Learning Tasks. If you are unable to find these, please speak with your class teacher.
Year 1 White Rose Videos:
This week we following the White Rose videos, however, we have already covered the content for day 4. So please use this alternative link https://vimeo.com/425620627.
With thanks for your ongoing support and understanding
Theresa Alford