Week beginning 20/4/20
During this period of partial closure Field Place Infant and Nursery School continues to be open for provision for vulnerable pupils and children of key workers. Irrespective of any partial closure or collaboration with another school, the safeguarding of all our children remains our top priority. At this time, our school will continue as normal in supporting our vulnerable children and if anyone has any questions regarding this, they are asked to make contact with Theresa Alford, Headteacher 01903 700234. Please contact the school if you have any queries (office@fieldplace.org.uk)
Dear Parents
I hope you have all had a good Easter and that everyone remains well in these difficult times. Teachers have been preparing the next set of work for the children and you will find the learning newsletters attached. These are also available on the website. Teachers are looking forward to receiving emails to find out how the children have been doing and to give any advice you might need regarding their learning. If you need technical advice or have any safeguarding or well-being concerns, we are here to help and you should email us at secretary@fieldplace.org.uk. A senior member of staff is checking this daily. We are also available on the usual school number 700234 if you need to chat or receive some support.
Free School Meal Vouchers
As many of you know the new system for free school meal vouchers launched last week and was overwhelmed by every school in the Country ordering vouchers. We found that we did not have up to date emails for all parents and this meant cancelling and reordering vouchers. I appreciate that it is very frustrating having to wait for these to arrive, but once they are ordered, there is nothing more that school can do until they are processed. By the end of last week, we had dealt with all the issues brought to our attention, so if you contacted us last week your vouchers should arrive at some point soon, I hope! Please let us know of any further issues and we will do our best to sort them out.
With Thanks
Theresa Alford