Week Beginning 9th March 2020
Information and Events
Following feedback from the parent survey so far, several people have requested that the weekly parentmail be sent earlier than Sunday afternoon. From next week, I will trial sending the parentmail on Friday afternoon. I appreciate that this would give people time to organise anything the children need for the following week.
If you have not yet responded to the survey, we would really appreciate the feedback. We have had less than half the school complete the survey so far, which makes it hard to analyse the significance of the responses. The survey will close at 1pm tomorrow.
After School Childcare
The school will be opening its own after school childcare club from this week. We will be welcoming three new members of staff to the Field Place team, Ellie Connolly, Sri Purches and Jordan Strudwick. As well as long-term ongoing bookings, we are now able to take ad hoc daily bookings. If you ever need after school care, this can be booked through the office.
Family Learning
Our next family learning course, ‘Keeping up with the Children (maths)’ will be starting after Easter. The course will run from Friday 24th April for 5 weeks. It will be held in school on Fridays from 9am to 11am. I know that parents who took part in the previous course really valued the work they did. As soon as I receive the flyer for this course, I will send it via parentmail. If anyone already knows they would like to take part, please give your name and contact details to the office staff.
Chick news
I am sure the children have been telling you about our living eggs. We now have 10 lovely chicks as all our eggs successfully hatched. Next week, the children will have the opportunity to see the chicks up close. They will be learning about life cycles and what the chicks need to remain healthy and strong.
Book Week Activities
Our book week activities were a great success last week. The children all talked about their favourite books and authors. The dressing up on Thursday was amazing. We are hoping that some of our photos will be chosen for the Argus newspaper this week. There are also some photos on the website gallery of recent events. We have two authors visiting the school this week to talk to the children about their work.
The school receives daily updates from the Department of Education in relation to the coronavirus. Currently, it is business as usual for schools. We are ensuring that children wash their hands when they arrive at school and before they leave. This is in addition to our usual routine of washing hands after using the toilet and at lunchtime. Classes have been teaching the children short songs to support them to wash their hands for 20 seconds. We will continue to let you know any changes or further advice as we receive it.
Events this week
Jamie Crawford (author) will be visiting nursery and reception
Paul Geraghty (author) will be visiting year one and two. If you would like to buy a signed book from Paul Geraghty, please bring in £7.00. If you already own a book by Paul, he would be happy to sign this if the children bring them in.
Football tournament at the Orchards
Headteacher Tea for outstanding behaviour
Red Nose Day – The children can wear their own clothes today (£1.00 donation for the charity please)
With Thanks
Theresa Alford